20 October 2012

Jupiter has just moved retrograde off its stationary point at 17 Gemini, and is now at 16 Gemini through November 2. The theme of 16 Gemini is “A woman suffragist haranguing.” Besides guaranteeing a lot of women’s issues will become front and center in the US election debate over the next two weeks, this degree is one of the nature of the personality learning what the Soul needs, of “spreading the word,” of passionate pleas for the purpose of persuading others of something, and finding those who are receptive to a message or knowledge we deeply feel is important. 

Dr. Jones tells us this is about “the soul’s demand for a full participation in the responsibilities of human society,” and how values “are maintained only as there is a mutual give-and-take” respecting differences in views. We are told the keyword is “INDIGNATION” and when operating positively, this degree is “an unswerving determination to expand every potential of being and take part in every possible detail of world-wide reconstruction.” Of course, there are worlds within worlds, both in the outer and inner existence. It is there that the “reconstruction” will take place.
[Robert Wilkinson: Aquarius Papers]

“There’s no decent reason not to use women on TV and in films as they age. They get more beautiful as they age – if you’re at all sensible and mature you’ll see that. The type of beauty just changes.” [Billy Connolly] [artwork: B.O.I. on FB]

just over ten years ago a friend forwarded my music to a respected instrumentalist in the city. he liked what he heard and asked my friend to bring me by, ostensibly to discuss my fledging career and what i could be doing to improve my presence in the market. the gentleman was in his late fifties, so i was a little taken aback when he looked at me with a somewhat pained smile on his face and asked, "how _old_ are you?" i was in my early thirties back then and unassumingly told him my age. he sighed and tried to sound chipper, "well i suppose that's not too bad..." our meeting quickly devolved into a polite but clear coda, there's really no hope for you, there's nothing to be done. of course, ten years later he's still a lively and regular performer in the city and i'm sure its never crosses his mind, the ageist double standard he sided with, when he considers the station of his female colleagues then or now.

then there's the vast majority of venues and booker's who's first question is always, 'how old are you?'.... its not, 'what's your sound?' 'what's your audience,' or 'where can i hear your stuff...?'

the truth is, ageist unfairness is only ever exercised against women of no power. women who've already established their worth in the marketplace have a better chance continuing with their work than women the same age trying to break in. but for the woman who's found her music in mid-age? she's discouraged from even presuming to have something worth listening to because its assumed she can't have much left to _look_ at.

i guess that's why i love the story of bettye lavette so much. she was persistent and she was vindicated.

there's nothing more annoying to the establishment than a woman who gets better like fine wine, and worse, doesn't just shut up and go away....

ageism and sexism are more alive and well in the music business than anywhere else. i'm completely grateful for those kind of stupid obstructions that give shape and purpose to one's life path, wherever it may lead. in my case, revenge against the machine is not the aim, just the most complete realization of craft and birdsong that i can manage. and in this ambition, i'm happy to imagine applying myself for a very very _very_ long time...

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